Friday, May 9, 2008

Yep, it's official

As most of you have known for years and many have suspected and my students are figuring out, I'm a certified IDIOT. What moron gives up the Immunity Necklace to a pack of snarly, snaggle toothed women? He didn't even get a lap dance. Good thing his penis is permanently attached or he'd have given that too. MOron. Obviously, ErikJohn has never seen the bumper sticker that reads: "I don't trust anything that can bleed for three days and still live."

Holy crap! I am not happy with this decision. ErikJohn said it best when he asked why he had to give up the necklace when the majority of the votes could have been decided amongst three of them. I thought he had it all figured out at that point. Maybe it's all that Peter Frampton hair weighing on his brain. Maybe it's because an "ice cream scooper" (whatever the #&*#$ that is) should never rise to power. Maybe it's because he's a white male under the age of 99. I don't know.

It was the ErikJohn show last night. He dominated in the reward challenge and solved a puzzle relay way ahead of anyone else. He took the lovely AmandaPatti with him to a spa treatment. NatalieDave K. was pissed, though I think It spends most of Its time pissed. Erik was supposed to take it with him but chose Amanda instead. The less airtime they give NatalieDave the better. It says the dumbest lines in history. Every time It opens Its mouth, out comes another batch of verbal flatulence, "floss my teeth with their jugular." What kind of crap is that?! NatalieDave is like the Hannibal Lector of Survivor.

Poetry (assonance):
Seven days ago, ol' JamesJerome had to go home. He had an infection in his finger joint, near the bone. Down he tried to tone but the infection had grown.

AlexisTerry went home too. Now it's down to NatalieDave, AmandaPatti (mad at me for picking
Amanda again), CirieCorina, ParvartiKathleen.

Sending hymn:
Remember, take Survivor to work with you: If you find that you are the only male in a pack of women, keep your pecker tucked, your necklace on your neck, and your mouth shut.


Uberlander said...

Damn you're good! Glad Parv is still alive and kickin'. I feel the money burnin' a hole in my pocket already.

piled high and deep said...

Finally some feedback. Thanks.