Friday, November 14, 2008

Gay Steve sent packing

It's official, CharlieStephen jinxed himself for good. Since bragging that he has picked a top four in the past four seasons of Survivor, he hasn't come even close in the last two runs. Sorry Steve, your fantasy land domination seems to have run out. But, maybe you could do better with Fantasy Dancing with the Stars. I hear Bob A. watches faithfully.

Last week, the morons voted out none other than yours truly. As Charlie Stephen put it, "Th I don't know who they thould have votethed out but it thertainly thouldn't have been my sexthy MarcusthJohn, th th, th, th." Oh well, now they can be on the jury together. I can see it now, CharlieSteve sitting a little too close to MarcusJohn at Tribal Council, JUST LIKE IN THE STAFF ROOM. Personally, I find him a bit intimidating so I let him buy me lunch sometimes.

AaAAAANNYway, it went down something like this: The reward challenge looked like a fun game of slingshot golf. The slingshots had to be worked by three people, two on each side and one shooter. They had some golf holes mapped out in the jungle and the lowest score to get in won. BobKathy B, the Science teacher, was the shooter for yellow and bossy MattyDebi G was shooter for red. Yellow took an early lead with a short shot from gamer KenKathleen. The little twig of a couch potato made a pretty good shot. In the end though, it came down to a six inch shot that DebiMatty and RandyBobA. argued fiercely over. Even after they won, RandyBobA couldn't get his anger back in check. He was stomping around and swearing JUST LIKE IN METALS CLASS.

For Immunity, they had to build a fire and burn through a rope. Low and behold, SusieDana was able to get the first fire going and won immunity. Figures that a Sped teacher would be good at burning crap.

They went to Tribal and voted: Four for CrystalShannonS and five for CharlieSteve. SugarCollette turned on him. KenKathleen the ruthless b** set the whore thing up.

On a side note, CrystalShannonS claims that she is an Olympic Medalist. HOLY CRAP she is WEAK! She has dropped out or brought the team down in every single physical thing she has been in. She'd better keep it a secret because the entire tribe will laugh uncontrollably if she ever mentions that she was an Athlete. Better get your butt back in the weight room sister.

Remember, take Survivor to work with you: Don't whore your free time out for money; don't eat unidentifiable stuff from the staff room; and never, I mean NEVER, "piggyback" or "dovetail" off of anything I have said.

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