Friday, February 22, 2008

Update 3

Just a bunch of sorry monkeys this week. People sitting around getting wetter and wetter (not the good kind). That moron Joelkaren looked like a hairless Shar pei . Sitting in the canoe all pruned up and sad like someone peed in his Cheerios.

For reward, they played the equivalent of a football game where there were only six balls and a team had to get five into its own endzone. This was pretty brutal with a lot of contact. Big ol' Jamesjerome and Joelkara kind of dominated. In the end, the Favorites won.

For immunity, they had to hold their own coconut sack while the opposite team threw in more coconuts until the sack got so heavy that one team let go. I, myself, have had this problem and know the burdens of a huge coconut sack. It doesn't matter how sturdy the rope is one uses, it's a tough job hauling and holding up a sack if such weight. Fans won.

At Tribal, Ciriecorrina and Jonathankathy b got into it. The tribe is obviously divided and now the couples have the numbers. Ciriecorrina is an idiot. She didn't go with the other alliance because she didn't feel that she was a part of it. HELLOOO Cirie, you aren't in a relationship either that we are seeing on camera. The votes came out and YaumanShannon s. goes home.

Remember, take Survivor to work with you: Keep in mind that 'narrowing the achievement gap' means retarding the growth of the normal kids. Graphs show that free and reduced lunch makes kids dumber. And, when you're done in the bathroom, don't forget to spray that air freshener so that the bathroom smells like orange poo.

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